さて,今回はFlash Media Server 2の開発版を(ここまで書いて,Safariが落ちた・・・.Bloggerの自動保存機能に感謝だなぁ.)インストールする.ダウンロードは,日本語サイトなので適当によろしく(ぉ
あっ,Flash Media Serverってのは,Flashでストリーミングとかをやるためのサーバ.詳しい説明は,Webページを読んでw
# yum -y install libstdc++.so.5
# yum -y install libssl.so.4
# cd /usr/local/src
# mv /home/admin/FlashMediaServer2.tar.gz .
# tar -vxzf FlashMediaServer2.tar.gz
# cd FMS_2_0_3_r68_linux/
# ./installFMS -platformWarnOnly(このオプションをつけないと「このプラットフォームは対応してねぇぞ!」と怒られて,インストールできない.つけても,怒られるけどw)
WARNING: Your distribution, unknown, is not supported by this
Macromedia Flash Media Server installer.
Copyright(C) 1993-2005 Macromedia, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved.
Macromedia Flash Media Server 2.0 for
Macromedia Flash Media Server 2.0 will be installed on this machine.
You will be asked a series of questions during the install
process and will be presented with the defaults for these questions.
Support is available at http://www.macromedia.com/go/flashmediaserver_en
To install Macromedia Flash Media Server now, press ENTER.
To cancel the installation at any time, press Control-C.
(エンドユーザ ライセンス契約書が表示される.)
Do you agree with the license agreement? (y/n): (y[enter])
Macromedia Flash Media Server 2.0 requires approximately 25MB of
disk space.
The installer will install Macromedia Flash Media Server 2.0 in the
following directory
Default [/opt/macromedia/fms]: ([enter])
The Macromedia Flash Media Server communicates on the IANA-assigned
port of 1935, which is the port most Flash applications expect.
Please enter the Macromedia Flash Media Server port
Default [1935]: ([enter])
Please enter the port to use for the Admin service. You can only specify one
admin port.
Default [1111]: ([enter])
The administrative user name and password you provide here is required to use
the Macromedia Flash Media Server Management Console for
administration, monitoring, and debugging.
Please enter the administrative username: (ユーザ名を入力する.例:admin[enter])
Please enter the administrative password: (パスワードを入力する.)
Confirm password: (パスワードを入力する.)
When the Macromedia Flash Media Server service is started, the service
can be run as a user other than "root". The server would change to this user
when the server is started and has acquired its ports.
Please enter the user that the Macromedia Flash Media Server service will run as
Default user [nobody]: ([enter])
Please enter a valid user group for the "nobody" user: (nobody[enter])
Do you want the Macromedia Flash Media Server service to run as a
daemon? (y/n)
Default [y]: ([enter])
Do you want to start the Macromedia Flash Media Server
after the installation is done? (y/n)
Default [y]: ([enter])
----------- Install Action Summary -----------
Installation directory = /opt/macromedia/fms
FMS Server Port = 1935
FMS Admin Server Port = 1111
Administrative username = admin
Administrative password = (suppressed)
FMS owner = nobody
FMS service user = nobody
FMS service user group = nobody
FMS run as daemon = Yes
Start FMS = Yes
Proceed with the installation? (y/n/q): (y[enter])
Installing Macromedia Flash Media Server files...
Configuring Macromedia Flash Media Server...
Adding "fms" service.
Setting default admin to "fms".
Setting autostart for "fms".
Server:fms command:start
NPTL 2.5
Starting Macromedia Flash Media Server (please check /var/log/messages)
Admin server:fmsadmin command:start
Starting Macromedia Flash Media Admin Server (please check /var/log/messages)
The Macromedia Flash Media Server installation is complete.
# /opt/macromedia/fms/fmsmgr list
これで,インストール完了.はぁ,ライブラリまわりに手間取った・・・.CentOS 5に入れんのは大変だな.あとからまた問題が出てきそうでこわい.つかい方は,気分が向いたら書くということで〜.つかれたぁ.
Kopug Memo!: FMS2(Linux版)をインストール