
CentOS 5でつくるPHP開発サーバ.Zend Core編#2

林檎生活100: CentOS 5でつくるPHP開発サーバ.Zend Core編#1の続きなんだけど,僕がさぼってるうちに,なんかZend Core 2.5が出てしまったみたい.そこで,Zend Core 2.5のインストールについて書くわけなんだけど,ダウンロードする方法は基本的に2.0と同じだから割愛する.



# cd /usr/local/src
# mv /home/admin/ZendCore-2.5.0-linux-glibc21-i386.tar.gz .
# tar -vxzf ZendCore-2.5.0-linux-glibc21-i386.tar.gz

# cd ZendCore-v2.0.1-Linux-x86
# ./install -y(テキストモードで実行する.)
Welcome to the Zend Core v2.5 Installer.
[To continue, press Enter]([enter])

Do you accept the terms of this license?
Answer (yes or no) [yes]: ([enter])

Enter the destination path for the Zend Core Installation. [/usr/local/Zend]: ([enter])

The GUI Password is used to gain access to the Zend Core Web GUI.

Please enter a GUI Password:
Password: (英数字のパスワードを入力する.)
Verify password: (英数字のパスワードを入力する.)

(デフォルトのままで,Zend Frameworkをインストールし,Apacheを設定する.)
Please select which components to install / configure:

[ ] 0. Configure Zend Network
[X] 1. Install Zend Framework
[ ] 2. Install phpMyAdmin
[X] 3. Configure Apache Webserver
[ ] 4. Install MySQL 5
[ ] 5. Install Oracle Client
[ ] 6. Install IBM DB2 Express-C
[ ] 7. Install IBM DB2 Client

Change settings, or press ENTER to continue: ([enter])

(Zend Core付属のApacheをインストールする.)
Select an Apache package to install.

[0] Specify Web Server's Location
[1] Install the Zend Core bundled Apache.

Please select : (1[enter])

Choose Apache Port [80]: ([enter])

Select an Apache Installation Method:

[0] Apache Module (Recommended)
[1] FastCGI

Please select : (0[enter])

Installation will use the following configuration file: /usr/local/src/ZendCore-2.5.0-linux-glibc21-i386/installer/core.ini

Starting Zend Core Installation.

Verifying Zend Core...

Zend Core OK

Verifying Apache...

Apache OK

Verifying Zend Framework...
Verifying downloaded file...
[============================================================] [100%]

Zend Framework OK

Starting Zend Core Installation

Unpacking archive Zend Core
Unpacking Zend Core ...
File share/.registry/ext_xmlwriter-5.2.4-1-linux-glibc21-i386.xml
[============================================================] [100%]

Zend Core Installation complete

Unpacking archive Apache
Unpacking Apache...
File usr/local/Zend/apache2/lib/libexpat.a
[============================================================] [100%]

Unpacking archive Zend Framework
Unpacking Zend Framework...
File ZendFramework-1.0.2/library/Zend/Mail/Storage/Pop3.php
[============================================================] [100%]

Zend Core Installation complete.

Select one of the following actions:

[0] Display the installation log file
[1] Open the Zend Updater
[2] Finish installation

Please select [2]: ([enter])

Installation was completed successfully.
The Installation log file can be found in: zendcore_20071018054412.log
Zend Core has been installed in the following directory: /usr/local/Zend
You can access the Zend Core Administration Web GUI from http://localhost:80/ZendCore.

In order for your Zend Core to be up to date, supported and secured, you must subscribe to one of the Zend Core Support Programs. Ensure your Zend Network ID and Password are configured in Zend Core by using the Zend Updater.


# chown -R admin:admin /usr/local/Zend/apache2/htdocs

今回は,Zend Frameworkもデフォルトでインストールされるようなので,そのままインストールさせてる.Zend Frameworkをどんどんつかっていこう.

さて次回は,Zend Coreのアップデート方法について書くかな.


・Zend Core管理画面:


Apacheの再起動は,Zend Core管理画面から実行できるから,あまりつかうことはないと思う.



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